Steers Insurance Blog

Winter Driving Tips

Written by Steers Blogging Team | Jan 26, 2021 7:51:00 PM

How are your winter driving skills? The Insurance Bureau of Canada offers some great reminders for safe winter driving, including these ten tips:

Tips for safe winter driving:

  1. Drive according to the road conditions - pay attention and stay informed about warnings from Environment Canada’s local weather offices.
  2. Tune up your car - check your vehicle’s battery, belts, hoses, radiator, coolant/antifreeze, oil, lights, brakes, exhaust system, heater/defroster, ignition system and tires.
  3. Check the wipers regularly and carry an extra jug of windshield-washer fluid in your vehicle.
  4. Inspect the tires and check the tire pressure at least once a month in cold weather.
  5. Install four winter tires - winter tires allow you to stop up to 40% sooner than all-season tires and significantly improve your vehicle’s handling in winter weather.
  6. Keep the gas tank topped up.
  7. Always carry an emergency kit - include extra antifreeze, a flashlight, batteries, blankets, a candle, matches, hazard markers, a snow shovel, an ice scraper and brush, the phone number of a local towing company, sand, booster cables and food.
  8. Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to arrive.
  9. Bring a map or GPS and plan an alternative route.
  10. Carry a charged cell phone.

Click here to view the full article on avoiding winter weather disasters. The winter can be long and tough. Ensuring your vehicle is winter-ready and that you have what you need in case of an incident can make the winter months a little more tolerable. 

If you have questions about vehicle insurance and making sure you are properly covered in case of an accident or other incident, contact an OTC Insurance agent today to discuss your needs.