Have you considered the ramifications of neglecting to get the proper pollution insurance for your business?
Earlier this summer, a Michigan manufacturing plant experienced a serious spill into the Huron River. Auto supplier Tribar Manufacturing leaked a substantial amount of liquid containing 5% hexavalent chromium. This caused the state park to close and residents to be alerted to potential danger. The risk, not only to humans but to fish, wildlife, and the environment, is considerable and will be felt for some time.
This, of course, is not the first event of this kind and will not be the last.
Pollution Legal Liability Insurance can protect your company from costs associated with such an occurrence. This insurance can cover cleanup costs, third-party bodily injury and property damage, legal defence and replacing fish or other damaged wildlife, among other expenses.
Commercial General Liability Insurance is not comprehensive enough to cover you for such events. Most CGLs contain pollution exclusions that leave contractors uninsured for a pollution incident. Each policy is different and can be modified to cover the various needs of the contractor purchasing the policy.
Households or businesses may have the risk of incidents involving: spillage from Heating Oil tanks, spillage when handling lubricants or hydraulic fluid, Garages that discard used motor oil into holding barrels. Also industries that work with supplying pollutants or hooking up septic systems may have risk of contractors pollution Liability. Take steps to ensure you have proper coverage. At OTC insurance, our team members take seriously our commitment to provide you with an understanding and complete review of your potential hazards and work with you to mitigate the risks associated with your business. Contact us today to review your specific needs.