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Topics: Home Insurance
7 tips to preventing electrical fires at home
Electrical fires can do serious damage to your home and put your family’s safety at risk. The good news is electrical fires are often preventable. Here are seven tips to preventing electrical fires at home:
Topics: Home Insurance
Tips to lower the threat of floods & protect your commercial property
Flooding is the most expensive natural disaster in Canada, and it’s becoming even more common as rising global temperatures lead to increased rainfall across the country.
Topics: Commercial Insurance, Environmental Insurance, Commercial Property Insurance
Why you should think twice before oversharing on social media
Social media has become one of the ways we update our friends and family with what’s happening in our lives. These gestures are tempting but they may be unwise. Why? Anyone can track your movements by following the posts you share over social media. Sharing too many details about your home address, what possessions you have, and your current location away from home with both friends and those with bad intentions can lead to your home being burglarized.
Topics: Home Insurance
Keeping Your Construction Crew Safe in Winter Weather
Winter can be a dangerous time of the year – especially when you work outside like many construction workers. However, with the right preparation and training, your construction crew can stay safe and productive in the winter.
Tips to keep your house safe when you’re away this winter
If you’re heading south for an extended vacation this winter, make sure your home is safe and secure by checking the following before you leave:
Topics: Home Insurance
Winter Safety Tips for Construction Sites
When the temperatures dip below zero, the construction industry needs to ensure safe sites and do its best to avoid slips, frozen fingers, damaged equipment and more. The best way to avoid hazards and prevent accidents during the winter includes:
Shannon Vaughan has earned her Management Liability Insurance Specialist (MLIS®) Certification from IRMI.
OTC Insurance is pleased to share that Shannon Vaughan has earned her Management Liability Insurance Specialist (MLIS®) certification from IRMI.
Topics: Commercial Insurance
Cyber check: How to protect your small business from a cyber attack
Having an online presence is important for many small businesses to do to stay current and be successful. One issue with being online is the risk of cyber threats. Do you have a small business and are worried about threats while online? Here are nine tips to have on hand to protect your business.
Topics: Commercial Insurance, Cyber Insurance
How Distracted Driving can affect your insurance
Driving a vehicle demands your full attention. And while you may think that driving while quickly checking a text message or changing the radio station means you are still focused on the road, the truth is – you don’t. Taking your eyes off the road for just two seconds doubles your chance of an accident. One moment of inattention can lead to serious injuries or death.
Topics: Auto Insurance