Tips to keep your house safe when you’re away this winter

Posted by Steers Blogging Team on Jan 10, 2022 6:00:00 PM

Tips to keep your house safe when you’re away this winter

If you’re heading south for an extended vacation this winter, make sure your home is safe and secure by checking the following before you leave:

  • Sump Pump: Does your sump pump have a backup battery so if the power goes out during a spring thaw or heavy rainfall, your sump pump will be able to do its job? Make sure the backup battery or generator is working by testing it before you leave on vacation. Otherwise, you may not have a working sump pump when you need it the most!
  • Furnace: Consider putting a monitored alarm on your furnace. This way, if the power goes out or if your furnace dies while you are away, a smart-monitoring system will let you know there’s a problem before your pipes freeze (leading to an even bigger problem!).
  • Pipes: On a similar note, if you are away from home for a prolonged period of time, make sure your water supply is turned off and drain your pipes to prevent them from freezing and possibly bursting (resulting in water damage) while you are away.
  • Windows and doors: Other than making sure your front door is locked, make sure to check ALL windows and doors to ensure they are properly closed and locked. This includes any outside buildings, such as a detached garage or shed.
  • Subscriptions: If you subscribe to a daily newspaper or have a regular magazine subscription, make sure to pause or cancel your subscription for the time you are away so they don’t pile up by your front door.
  • Snow removal: Do you have someone or a service hired to clear snow and ice off your driveway and walkway while you are away? Snow and ice removal services will not only make your house look occupied but will help prevent falls and slips (and any related liability claims due to these accidents).
  • Valuables: Make sure your jewelry and other valuable items are locked away in a safe and make sure your home insurance includes coverage for these big-ticket items.
  • Garbage: The smell of rotting garbage is not only unpleasant to return home to, but it can also attract rodents and insects. Remember to empty your garbage as well as your refrigerator and freezer of any perishable items.
  • Someone to check in: If possible, ask a neighbour to come and check in on your house every few days while you are away. Ask them to look for any issues (in particular in the basement and furnace areas). They should also have a list of emergency phone numbers, including that of your home insurance broker.
  • Timers: To make your home look lived in while you are away, consider investing in smart timers that can turn your lights, television and radio on and off throughout the day.
  • Social media: Don’t post vacation pictures or your travel plans on social media until you return home. Instead, directly message or email family and friends if you want to share your vacation while you’re away.

These simple steps can help you to relax, enjoy your vacation and return to a safe home free of problems. Contact us to learn how home insurance can help protect your home against theft, damage and more.

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